Building Energy Data Analysis Part Four

Will Koehrsen
35 min readDec 26, 2018

Final Plots and Takeaways

Author’s Note: This is the concluding part to the building energy data analysis series. Part One described the background for the problem and introduced the data; part two identified significant trends and relationships within the data through graphs and quantitative analysis; and part three featured an in-depth modeling exploration. In this post, I will highlight the most relevant findings from the first three parts, show the best graphs, and offer some ideas for future work. As always, I appreciate any feedback and constructive criticism at Full code can be found on GitHub. This project was conducted as part of my involvement with Project EDIFES (Energy Diagnostic Investigator for Efficiency Savings) at Case Western Reserve University.


The procedure followed in this EDA was as follows:

1. Formulate initial exploratory questions to guide analysis.
2. Determine the data that needs to be gathered to answer the questions. Obtain, clean, and structure the data into a tidy format.
3. Explore the data using quantitative summary statistics and visualizations.
4. Determine trends and relationships within the data both quantitatively and with graphs.
5. Use several different models to extract meaningful conclusions from the relationships between explanatory and response variables.
6. Evaluate several models for prediction and select the best one for refinement.
7. Challenge the best model and assess the prediction results.
8. Interpret and report the results of the data analysis and modeling.

Throughout the report, the following meteorological definitions of summer and winter apply:

• summer = June, July, August
• winter = December, January, February

These “seasons” are not necessarily valid across the entire country but are used by the EDIFES team because no other definition has yet been developed. This is an area of concern as the same definitions for the seasons are not necessarily applicable in all climate zones.

Exploratory Questions

Based on the goals of the overall project and an initial exploration of the data, the following set of questions was formulated at the outset:

  1. Which factors (weather and time) are most correlated with energy consumption?
  2. Can the current day’s weather data be used to predict tomorrow’s energy consumption?
  3. Controlling for building size, which climate zone is the most energy intensive?
  4. Are there “good” buildings in terms of energy efficiency? What does “good” mean in this context (how can it be quantified)?
  5. Can a building energy profile be developed to characterize these buildings and compare them to others in the same industry?
  6. Based on the answers to the previous questions, are there concrete recommendations I can give to building managers to reduce energy use?

It was expected these questions would change over the course of the project and additional queries would be asked based on what the data could and could not answer. In the words of John Tukey (a mathematician who developed the FFT and boxplot):

“Data analysis, like experimentation, must be considered as an open-ended, highly interactive, iterative process, whose actual steps are selected segments of a stubbily branching, tree-like pattern of possible actions.”

By the end of the project, the focus had narrowed to one main question composed of two parts:

Which weather and time conditions are correlated with energy use and is it possible to build a model to predict energy use from these variables?

Data Science Methods

A number of different data science techniques and concepts were covered during the course of the EDA. These ranged from basic statistical concepts to machine learning algorithms.

Statistical Concepts

Statistical concepts covered in this project are summarized below:

Pearson Correlation Coefficient: ranges from -1 to +1 and demonstrates the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables. -1 indicates a perfectly linear negative relationship and +1 indicates a perfectly positive linear relationship.
R-Squared: The square of the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. Indicates the percentage of variation in the response variable explained by the explanatory variables in the model. This can be used to assess the performance of a model in capturing relationships between the exploratory and response variables.
Box-Cox Power Transformation: A method for determining the best transformation to normalize data. This applies a number of power transformations to the data and returns the power that results in the most normal distribution.
Central Limit Theorem: This theorem states that for a non-skewed sample distribution, the distribution approaches normal as the sample size increases. A general heuristic is that 30 samples is the minimum for satisfying the theorem. This means that it is not possible to make statistically significant comparisons between the eight office buildings.

Machine Learning Models

The challenge of predicting energy consumption from weather and time data is a supervised regression task. It is supervised because the targets, in this case the energy consumption for each 15-minute interval, are known, and it is a regression task because the labels are continuous values. During training, the labels and features (explanatory variables) are given to the model so it can learn a mapping between the features and the labels. In testing, the
model is only given the features and must predict the value of the labels. The predictions can then be compared to the known values (in this case the known energy consumption) to assess the performance of the model. There are numerous modeling approaches for supervised regression tasks that can be implemented in a number of programming languages. These range in complexity from linear models with simple equations and understandable variable weights, to deep neural networks which are essentially black boxes that accept data as an input, perform a sequence of mathematical operations, and produce an (often correct) answer with no human-understandable interpretation. A major concentration of this project was intrepretability in addition to accuracy, and models were chosen for the best combination
of these two features. The three algorithms selected were designed to cover the range of complexity and interpretability, starting with the simplest, Linear Regression, proceeding to the ensemble Random Forest regression method, and finally moving on to the Support Vector Machine Regressor. To compare the algorithms, a random train-test split was used (with the same features and labels used for all models). The objective was to select the best performer on the random split and implement this method for predicting six months of energy consumption. All three algorithms were built using the Scikit-Learn library in Python while the data was preprocessed in R. Transferring the data between R and Python is relatively simple with the feather library that saves and loads dataframes in R and pandas dataframes in Python. The basic steps for evaluating the algorithms on a random training/testing split are as follows:

1. Structure the data into an appropriate format and data structure; separate the features and labels.
2. Subset the data into a training and testing set using a 0.70/0.30 random split.
3. Train each model on the same training set with the model given both the features and the labels.
4. Use the trained model to make predictions on the test features.
5. Compare predictions to the known testing labels and compute performance metrics.
6. Make comparisons between algorithms for accuracy and interpretability; select the best model for further development.

A brief overview of the three machine learning algorithms covered in this report is presented below:

Simple and Multivariate Linear Regression

The simplest model we can use is linear regression which aims to explain the variance in the response variable by a weighted linear addition of the explanatory variables. Linear Regression can use a single explanatory (independent) variable, or it can use many. The general equation for a linear model is y = w0 + w1 * x1 + w2 * x2 + … + wn * xn
where w0 is the intercept, xn represents the explanatory variables, wn is the weight assigned to each explanatory variable, and y is the response variable. In the case of the building energy data, y is the energy consumption, x is the weather or time features, and w is the weight assigned to each feature. The weight in a linear model represents the slope of the relationship, or how much a change in the x variable affects the y variable. A great aspect of linear modeling is that the impact of change in one independent variable on the dependent variable can be directly quantified.

Random Forest Regression

To understand the powerful random forest, one must first grasp the concept of a decision tree. The best way to describe a single decision tree is as a flowchart of questions which leads to a classification/prediction. Each question (known as a node) has a yes/no answer based on the value of a particular explanatory variable. The two answers form branches leading away from the node. Eventually, the tree terminates in a node with a classification or prediction, which is called a leaf node. A single decision tree can be arbitrarily large and deep depending on the number of features and the number of classes. They are adept at both classification and regression and can learn a non-linear decision boundary. However, a single decision tree is
prone to overfitting, especially as the depth of the tree increases because the decision tree is flexible, leading to a tendency to memorize the training data (that is, the model has a high variance).

To solve this problem, ensembles of decision trees are combined into a powerful classifier known as a random forest. Each tree in the forest is trained on a randomly chosen subset of the training data (either with replacement, called bootstrapping, or without) and on a subset of the features. This increases variability between trees making the overall forest more robust and less prone to overfitting. In order to make predictions, the random forest passes the explanatory variables (features) of an observation to all trees and takes an average of the votes of each tree (known as bagging). The random forest can also weight the votes of each tree with respect to the confidence the tree has in its prediction. Overall, the random forest is fast, relatively simple, has a moderate level of interpretability, and performs extremely well on both classification and regression tasks. There are a number of hyperparameters (best thought of as settings for the algorithm) that must be specified for the
forest before training. The most important settings are the number of trees in the forest, the number of features considered by each tree, the depth of the tree, and the minimum number of observations permitted at each leaf node of the tree. These can be selected by training many models with varying hyperparameters and selecting the combination that performs best on cross-validation or a testing set. A random forest performs implicit feature selection
and can return relative feature importances which can be interpreted in the domain of the problem to determine the most useful variables for predicting the response or for variable selection with other models. A simplified depiction of a single decision tree used to predict energy consumption based on the time and weather conditions is presented below.

Support Vector Machine Regression

A support vector machine (SVM) regressor is the most complicated and the least interpretable of the models explored in this report. SVMs can be used for both classification and regression and operate based on finding a hyperplane to separate classes. The concept is that any decision boundary becomes linear in a high enough dimensional space. For example, a linear decision boundary in three-dimensional space is a plane. The SVM projects the features of the observations into a higher dimensional space using a kernel, or a transformation of the data. The model then finds the plane that best separates the data by maximizing the margin, the minimum distance between the nearest member of each class and the decision boundary. The support vectors in the name of the algorithm refer to the points closest to the
decision boundary, called the support, which have the greatest influence on the position of the hyperplane. SVM regressors work by fitting a non-parametric regression model to the data and trying to minimize the distance between the model and all training instances. SVM models are more complex than either a linear regressor or a random forest regressor and have almost no interpretability. The transformation of the features into a higher-dimensional
space using a kernel removes all physical meaning of the features. SVM models are black boxes but have high accuracy on small datasets with limited amounts of noise. The RBF or Radial Basis Kernel, is the most popular kernel in use in the literature and is the default in most implementations of the support vector machine including in Skicit-learn in the Python language. An example of a support vector machine for classification with several different kernels is shown below (from Skicit-learn).

Exploratory Data Analysis

The driving goals behind the EDA were to determine the trends and patterns within the electricity consumption data and to find the most significant relationships between weather/time conditions and energy use.

The EDA quickly revealed building energy consumption exhibits daily, weekly, and seasonal repeating patterns in addition to overall trends. Moreover, these patterns differ significantly between buildings in different climate zones and buildings in different industries (for example, retail buildings that are open 7 days a week compared to office building operating only during the week). The patterns were analyzed at different time scales and buildings were compared across seasons and climate zones.

Long-Term Trends

To get a feel for the overall structure of the data we can graph the entire time series of energy consumption. The following graphs show three buildings with business days separated from the non-business days.

There are a number of noticeable trends in these plots. For all the buildings, energy consumption increases during the the summer which agrees with domain knowledge. The largest source of office building energy consumption tends to be the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, which sees more use during the summer months for the southern climates. Kansas City, Las Vegas, and Phoenix experience hot summers and hence
will see an increase in energy consumption due to air conditioning use. The buildings in Las Vegas and Phoenix exhibit a decrease in energy consumption during the winter because these cities typically experience mild winters which do not necessitate energy-intensive heating. Meanwhile, the building in Kansas City does not exhibit the same large decrease during the summer. Energy consumption for this building has two peaks, with one occurring during late summer, and the other occurring during late winter.

Monthly Trends

A great plot for understanding the location and spread of data is the boxplot. A boxplot shows the median, the interquartile range, and any outliers in a dataset. The following graphs show boxplots with the average energy consumption per day by month for the same three buildings. The boxes are calculated by averaging the days across a month, and hence the y-axis represents the daily energy consumption. These boxplots are created using only business days.

The same yearly behavior is observed as before, with an increase in daily energy use during summer for theLas Vegas and Phoenix buildings, and two yearly peaks in consumption for the Kansas building. The Kansas building has significantly more outlying points during the spring months indicating that daily energy consumption can vary significantly during these months. This is not unexpected as some springs may be much colder than others, necessitating heating whereas other springs may be mild with no need for heating or air conditioning.

Weekly Trends

Finally, the last two patterns in the data are those over the course of a week and throughout the day. The graphs below are colored by season to illustrate the change in patterns that occur throughout the year. The energy consumption is in kWh for each 15 minute interval of the day.

These graphs show trends by week, over the course of a day, and in different seasons. It is difficult to draw broad conclusions because all of the buildings display different behavior. However, it is clear that energy consumption is higher during the week as is expected for office buildings. The energy use typically rises in the morning which would correspond to the HVAC starting and workers arriving at the building. The energy consumption remains high during the work day, and then drops significantly overnight. The energy consumption never drops to zero because all buildings still have systems that must be kept running constantly. This is referred to as the baseload of a building and is a target for energy use reduction. Energy use in noticeably higher in the summer for the Phoenix and Las Vegas buildings and also slightly higher during the summer for the Kansas building. Spring and Fall generally exhibit lower energy consumption than winter and summer, except for the Kansas building where energy consumption is second greatest during the fall. The weekend patterns are very interesting as the energy consumption is moderate during the morning and afternoon, in line with that observed during the day, but then drops precipitously during the afternoon. This is intriguing because it suggests certain systems are shut off during the afternoon on the weekends but then are turned on again during the morning and afternoon. Overall, there are numerous conclusions to draw about a single building from these plots, and they will be a useful tool to the EDIFES team when analyzing the energy profile of a building.

Weather Correlations

After analyzing patterns, the main focus of the exploratory data analysis shifted to looking for significant correlations between weather conditions and energy consumption. Based on these relationships, it should be possible to inform a building owner ahead of time how much energy they can expect to use given the weather forecast and how she/he may potentially mitigate energy use by preparing for the weather conditions.

The best approach for determining weather correlations is to calculate them separately during the winter and summer. Depending on the climate zone and the type of heating used by the building, the direction and strength of weather correlations vary greatly. The following plots show correlations both among the weather variables and between weather conditions and energy use for the building in Phoenix. The plots are separated into winter and summer to show the differences between seasons.

Overall, the highest positive linear correlation with energy consumption during the summer is temperature, followed by global horizontal irradiance (ghi). Both relationships agree with domain knowledge. The winter correlations between energy and weather are not as strong as those during the summer. One possible conclusion is that for buildings in climates that are hot year-round, weather has less of an effect on energy consumption during the winter. However this trend will not hold across different geographic sections of the country, and will also change based on the building industry.

A method to compare across climate zones is to look at all the correlations between energy and weather conditions for each building. Looking at the numerical correlations will work for this purpose, but a quicker way to gauge the relative differences in correlations between buildings is with a heatmap. These show stronger correlations as more vivid colors and can express vast amounts of information in a compact form. These heatmaps show the Pearson Correlation Coefficient between the respective weather variable and energy consumption during each 15-minute interval.

These visualization contain a significant amount of information. The major conclusion for the summer is that temperature tends to be positively correlated with energy consumption as does ghi, dif, and gti. The exception to this statement is the building in Portland, Oregon, which exhibits the exact opposite correlations as the other buildings. This was considered to be anomalous, and the building owners were contacted for an explanation, but none was provided. It is possible that the time stamp on the electricity meter is systematically wrong, or the measurements could be strange but correct. If the meter was wrong, the timestamp would most likely be off by a fixed period such as 12 hours. It would be interesting to re-run these calculations with the timestamp shifted by 12 hours. This building is also the only building location in a relatively cold climate, which could explain the difference in behavior. The knowledge that temperature and the three irradiance variables are positively correlated with energy consumption (ignoring the Portland building for now) could inform recommendations to a building owner. These might include:

• Add additional insulation to keep the cool air in during the summer and hot in air during the winter

• Install double-paned windows with adequate sealing

• Cover windows in direct sunlight during the day

• Schedule employees to work earlier in the morning and leave during the afternoon when the temperature peaks.

This last recommendation may appear drastic, but it could be necessary as the efforts to reduce energy consumption become more urgent. However, the other recommendations are simpler to implement and can result in significant reductions in energy use with no disruption to productivity.

The majority of the winter correlations are smaller in magnitude and not consistent across the buildings. In particular, the temperature correlation varies significantly as it is positive in some buildings and negative for others. One potential explanation is the typical heating in use in the climate zone. If a building has gas heat, then as the temperature decreases, it would not be expected that the electricity consumption would increase and hence the temperature — energy correlation will be small or positive during the winter. A building with electrical heating will need to use more electricity as the temperature decreases, and hence the temperature — energy correlation will be negative. That is, as the temperature decreases, the energy use increases. The Portland building again stands out, although it is similar to the Kansas City building which could support the hypothesis that these buildings are different as they are located parts of the country that experience cold winters. There is considerable additional analysis that can be performed on these correlation heatmaps, and they hold potential for informing decisions with real-world benefits.

After performing this analysis on the eight buildings, a similar analysis of weather correlations with energy consumption was done on all 750+ building datasets that EDIFES currently uses. The results are as follows where the numbers and colors again correspond to the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The climate zones are the Koppen Geiger Climate Zones. The branching trees on the top and left side of the heatmap are dendrograms created by a hierarchical clustering. The clustering groups together similar climate zones and similar weather conditions by the magnitude of the correlation coefficient. Using these dendrograms could provide a method for comparing buildings in different climate zones.

In general, temperature, gti and ghi are positively correlated with energy consumption during the summer and relative humidity is negatively correlated with energy use. However, during the winter, there are significant differences between the temperature correlation by climate zone, with some zones exhibiting a negative correlation and others a positive correlation. This is again explained by the type of heating used. The majority of the winter correlations are small in magnitude as was observed for the eight office buildings. The smaller magnitude of these coefficients might be due to averaging across many buildings in each climate zone. For example, in a climate zone with two buildings, if one building has a positive correlation between temperature and energy during the winter and the other has a negative correlation, averaging these two out may lead to the conclusion that temperature has no correlation with energy use in that climate zone during the winter. That being said, we can compare individual buildings to the climate zone average correlations to identify anomalies which could indicate inefficiencies.

Modeling and Prediction

The Explanatory Data Analysis revealed the many patterns and relationships within the energy data, which left the second part of the main question still to be answered: what types of models will be able to capture these mappings and use them for successful prediction? A number of differences approaches were investigated as it can be difficult to ascertain ahead of time which methods will prove most capable.

Linear Modeling

Modeling started off with a basic simple linear model. The objective was to predict the average daily energy consumption from the average daily temperature. Due to the differences between buildings and seasons, a different model was created for each building and season. Temperature was selected as the single explanatory variable because it displayed the highest correlation with energy consumption. Following is a summary of all the linear models. Reported in the table is the slope of the temperature with respect to the energy consumption and the r-squared for each model during the summer and winter.

Results of Simple Linear Modeling with Energy and Temperature

While a linear model cannot capture complex relationships, it does have a high level of interpretability because the features are not transformed. The slope of this model represents the daily change in kWh of energy use for a 1 degree Celsius daily increase in temperature. Therefore, for the building in Sacramento, a 1 degree warmer day during the summer results in 308 kWh more electricity use, and at the national average energy price of $0.104/ kWh, that represents an additional $30 per day. During the winter, some buildings will observe a decrease in electricity usage with a decrease in temperature, while other buildings will have an increase in electricity usage with an increase in temperature. The results also show that this model is not adequate for explaining the variability in energy consumption. The summer r-squared is less than 0.2 for all buildings indicating that the model can explain less than 20% of the observed variability in energy consumption based only on the temperature. The winter r-squared values are similarly small. This indicates that a more complex model is needed, or more variables should be included in the linear model. An example of the univariate linear model plotted on the actual summer data is below for the first building in Phoenix with a summer slope of 21.16. The points in red are the high leverage points, or those with the greatest distance from the main cluster of points. These points do not have a considerable influence on the slope of the model as can be seen in the three different lines drawn on the data. The blue line represents that created with non high-leverage points, the black line represents a model with all data points, and the red line indicates a model with only the high-leverage points. This shows that even if points have high leverage, they will not necessarily have a significant impact on the slope. From this analysis, removing these three points would not be justified because of their small effect on the slope, and there is no indication they are the result of incorrect measurements.

Before moving on to more complex models, a multivariate linear model was created to predict daily average energy use using all the weather variables. The energy use is not dependent on only temperature, and a model with more variables might be able to account for more of the variability in the average daily energy use. The following table shows the r-squared values for a linear model created between temperature and all of the weather conditions.

Results from Multivariate Linear Model with Energy and All Weather Variables

The calculated r-squared values are not significantly better than those produced by temperature alone. An Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test showed that the model with all weather variables did not exhibit a statistically significant improvement (with alpha = 0.05) in capturing relationships within the data compared to the model with only temperature. Predicting daily energy use averages accurately is not possible because there are significant patterns that occur throughout the day. Averaging over an entire daily essentially reduces the amount of data available by a factor of 96, the number of daily observations of weather and temperature. Therefore, in order to create a more accurate model, the model should predict the energy consumption for each and every 15-minute interval from the corresponding time and weather conditions. To find a daily total, these predictions can then be summed up over the 96 intervals, or a more accurate approach to assessing the predictions is to compare them to the known energy use for each 15-minute period. By making predictions every 15 minutes, and using all of the time variables in addition to the weather variables, the accuracy of the model and the percentage of the variation explained is expected to be significantly greater.

Machine Learning Prediction

The daily averaging method with a linear model proved inadequate, and there is a need for more complex models operating at a higher granularity to capture all of the relationships within the energy information. Three models were selected for comparison based on results reported in the literature and in order to cover a range of complexity. A linear model, random forest, and support vector machine were all evaluated for regression capabilities. The models were compared against one another using a random 0.70/0.30 training/testing split of the data. In hindsight, comparing the models using the random split of data was not the optimal choice because they were being evaluated for predictive abilities. However, the random split of the data should be adequate for comparing the algorithms because it still allows for relative evaluations. A model that cannot perform well at estimating the electricity consumption on a random split of the data also will not be accurate at predicting months worth of electricity data into the future. The objective of the model comparison phase was to determine the most promising model that would then be refined for the task.

Data Preparation

In order to compare models, they must be trained and tested on the same dataset. Preparation of the data was completed in R, and the results were then saved as feather files for loading into Python. The algorithms themselves were implemented using the Skicit-learn library in Python because of the speed and increased training and model control. The results were then saved as feather files and analyzed using R because of the graphing capabilities. In short, the languages were used for their respective strengths!

Data preparation involved the following four steps:

  • One-hot encoding of categorical variables
  • Transformation of cyclical variables into a sinusoidal representation
  • Normalize variables to have zero mean and unit variance
  • Separate into random training and testing features and label

Not only must the models be trained and tested on the same data, they must be evaluated using the same performance metrics. The following set of metrics was used for comparison:

1. rmse: root mean square error; the square root of the sum of the squared deviations divided by the number of observations. This is a useful metric because it has the same units (kWh) as the true value so it can serve as a measure of how many kWh the average estimate is from the known true target.

2. r-squared: the percentage of the variation in the dependent variable explained by the independent variables in the model.

3. MAPE: mean average percentage error: the absolute value of the deviation for each prediction divided by the true value and multiplied by 100 to convert to a percentage. This metric indicates the percentage error in the prediction and is better than the rmse because it takes into account the relative magnitude of the target variable.

Model Comparison

The results of the model comparison on a random train/test split of the data are shown in the following graphs.

The random forest regression model is the clear winner on all metrics. The linear regression is not able to capture the relationship between the inputs, the time and weather conditions, and the outputs, the energy consumption. The support vector machine does considerably better, but it does not match the performance of the random forest. Moreover, the runtime of the random forest was much lower than that for the support vector machine, and the svm does not have interpretability because the features are transformed into a higher dimension using a kernel (radial basis kernel in this implementation). The random forest is relatively simple to understand, has good interpretability because it returns the relative importance of features, is quick to train and make predictions, and has the best performance of all the models. Therefore, the random forest model was chosen for refinement and testing for prediction capability.

Random Forest Validation and Prediction

Once the random forest had been selected, the next step was to optimize the hyperparameters for the particular problem. In contrast to model parameters which are learned by the model during training, the hyperparameters must be set by the programmer ahead of training. One way to think of these is as model setting knobs that can be turned back and forth until the model performs up to standards. In Skicit-learn, models are built with a sensible set of default hyperparameters, but there is no guarantee these are optimal and only a rigorous evaluation routine can determine the best set.

Hyperparameter tuning requires creating many models with different options and then evaluating each using cross-validation to determine which set of configuration options performs optimally. This can be done automatically in both R and Python. The method used for this project was grid search with cross-validation using Skicit-learn in Python. The following set of hyperparameters achieved the highest metrics on a random training/testing split (again, perhaps not the best choice for this problem).

• 200 decision trees in the forest

• No maximum depth for each tree (trees will be grown until all predictions are made)

• A minimum of 1 sample per leaf node

• A maximum fraction of 50% of the features evaluated for each tree

  • A minimum number of 2 samples to split a node
  • A minimum impurity decrease of 0.0 to split a node

These hyperparameters resulted in an increase in performance of the algorithm without any noticeable increase in runtime. The following graph shows the root-mean squared error comparison of the baseline to optimized model.

Here, rmse is an adequate metric to use because it is only serving as a measure of relative performance. The optimized model performs better than the baseline model in rmse for all buildings.

The next step was to challenge the random forest by predicting six months of energy consumption. Six months was selected to correspond to the ARPE-E milestone to develop a predictive model capable of an adjusted r-squared of 0.85 when predicting six months worth of energy use. To implement this test, the dataset was split into training and testing with the final six months used for testing and the rest of the data used for training. The data was again prepared in R, the algorithm implemented in Python, and the results analyzed in R.

The prediction metrics are presented below in graphical form.

Four of the eight buildings meet the r-squared requirement. The average performance metrics were a mape of %21.24, an r-squared of 0.77, and an rmse of 3.83 kWh. Although these metrics are not outstanding, they represent a decent start towards meeting the project modeling requirement. Predicting six months of energy use is difficult, especially with some datasets not quite one year in length. The random forest model is a promising method for predicting energy consumption, but there is also a need to try additional methods. Another method currently used by the team is the diffusion indices method. One method that deserves more exploration is a general additive model, in which the time-series is modeled as sum of patterns on different time scales (days, weeks, months, years), as well as an overall trend (increasing or decreasing with time). The prophet package in R provides a simple implementation although this is based on daily observations and will require adjustment for more frequent observations. Overall, the prediction testing showed the random forest is capable of achieving required performance when predicting six months of energy consumption. Further optimization of the hyperparameters and feature engineering will improve the random forest and it can be combined with ensemble methods to develop a robust prediction model.


The office building energy use EDA provided the ideal opportunity to explore the problem domain. Many of the findings, while not entirely novel, were surprising to the author. All of these could have been directly told to the author, but it is a more memorable exercise to have to write the code and make the discoveries firsthand rather than hearing them passively. Moreover, it is reassuring when the conclusions reached by an independent team member agree with those established by the rest of the team. While disagreements drive progress, similar results confirm the methods in use and allow for the establishment of base truths from which to work. One major finding was the number of different patterns that can be ascertained in the energy data. Each building exhibits different patterns depending on the time of day, day of the week, the season of the year, and even between years if a retrofit to improve efficiency has been performed. Clearly, the process of modeling and eventually forecasting energy consumption will require sophisticated methods that can separate and model each of the trends. Additional significant findings from the EDA were weather and energy correlations that show temperature and global horizontal irradiance (GHI) are the most highly correlated variables with energy use during the summer. These results suggest several methods for reducing energy consumption including increasing insulation, installing shades over windows in direct sunlight, properly sealing windows and doors, and positioning buildings to use the sun as a natural source of heating in the winter without absorbing excess heat in the summer. The EDA also showed the interpretations that can be drawn from a linear model as well as the limitations linear models have because they are not flexible enough to capture intricate trends. One significant aspect of the EDA that was unsuccessfulwas the attempt to normalize buildings across climate zones, building types, and building sizes. There were not enough buildings to make statistically significant comparisons.

The modeling section of the report focused on two parts: an explanatory part in which the reason behind energy consumption was investigated, and a predictive part, in which energy consumption was predicted from a set of features. The final random forest model can be used for both explanation, in terms of feature importances, and prediction. Example predictions from the Random Forest are presented in the following figures:

The first image shows the entire dataset and the predicted portion which aligns closely to the actual values. The second image shows a typical week of predictions and how the random forest is able to accurately capture all of the different patterns within the data. For this building, the mean average percentage error was 15.72%, which is acceptable but will need to be improved.

Interpreting Random Forest Model

To get a sense of why the random forest makes a certain prediction, it can be helpful to look at the feature importances. These are not useful so much in absolute terms as in relative terms to rank features. The actual meaning behind the importances is the reduction in uncertainty due to splitting a node on the given feature. The following graphs show first the feature importances for each individual building, and then averaged over all the buildings. In total, after feature engineering, there are 24 different features used by the random forest.

Temperature is the single most important factor for determining the energy consumption at any 15-minute interval. This is in agreement with the correlation coefficients and with the linear modeling. Moreover, dif, gti, and ghi are the next highest importance weather variables, in agreement with the correlation coefficients. The day of the week and the time of the day have high importance, which makes sense given the domain because the weekends have considerably lower consumption than during the week, and the consumption also varies greatly over the course of a typical day. The cosine transformation of the time of day has a higher importance than the raw time itself, which validates the cyclical feature transformation performed during data preparation. There are several variables with very low importance, and these could likely be removed from the model without resulting in a performance decrease. The random forest performs implicit feature selection, and it will learn these are not useful, but removing them could help other methods that would only be “confused” by these unimportant features. Most of the features with low importance have low variance, meaning they fall within a narrow range, or take on the same value for most observations. It is possible to remove features with low variance during data preparation using preprocessing in the caret package.

Although the random forest does not return weights associated with the features which means that the effect of a unit change in a feature cannot be assessed as in the linear models, the random forest can still be used to observe the effects of altering a variable. Experiments with altering variables can be performed using the random forest in order to assess effects of various changes in weather conditions and possibly changes made to make a building more efficient.

Global Warming Experiment

Current predictions indicate the global surface temperature will increase between 1 C and 4 C by 2100 as the result of human-caused climate change. In order to assess these effects on future energy use consumption, a reasonable increase of 2 C can be modeled using the random forest. This is done by training the model on the entire historical data available, and then creating a testing set by keeping all of the explanatory variables the same except for the temperature, which will be increased at every interval by 2 C reflecting a mean increase in line with forecasts for future warming. In this situation, there are no correct values to compare the predictions to, and this is purely an experiment to observe the effects. The economic effects in terms of annual energy use costs are demonstrated below. These results were obtained by finding the difference between the unaltered energy consumption and the predicted energy consumption and then multiplying by the average cost of electricity in the United States. One aspect of global warming that often goes unmentioned is that it will unevenly affect different areas of the globe, with some locations enjoying longer growing seasons and others experiencing frequent severe weather events. The unequal distribution of the effects of climate change are reflected in the figure which demonstrates that according to the random forest model, some areas will see a reduction in energy usage (and hence cost) while other areas will see a significant increase in energy use. According to this analysis, an office building of 50,000 square feet could see an increase of nearly $30,000 in annual energy costs due to increased temperatures. Many arguments have been made for taking steps to reduce carbon emissions and transition to sustainable energy sources, but perhaps none is more persuasive than that of simple economics.

Additional experiments are possible, modifying any of the weather or time variables. Eventually, in order to quantify the effects of a building efficiency improvement, a method will be developed to alter a building characteristic and gauge the effect. This is an active area of research and work for the EDIFES team because quantifying the savings from a recommendation is critical to the value of a virtual energy audit. The random forest experiment provides a framework for how to alter one (or several if wanted) variables and observe the effects on energy consumption by using the historical data. This exercise demonstrates possible applications of the random forest by “re-running” past data under different conditions and examining effects on energy consumption.


The main question driving the EDA was

Which weather and time conditions are most correlated with energy use, and is it possible to build a model to predict energy use from the explanatory variables?

The query was addressed by a combination of data exploration, data visualization, and modeling. In answer to the first half of the question, temperature, global horizontal irradiance, and diffuse horizontal irradiance are most highly positively correlated with energy consumption during the summer. In the winter, temperature is also highly correlated with energy consumption although the direction of this relationship varies across climate zones. In terms of time conditions, the day of the week (if it is a weekday or weekend) is the most important variable followed by the cosine transformation of the time of day in hours, and then the raw time of day in hours.

It is possible to predict energy use from the weather and time variables to a high degree of accuracy using machine learning methods. A random forest regression model was developed to predict six months worth of electricity consumption and achieved near 80% accuracy averaged across all eight buildings. A complex, highly non-linear model was needed in order to capture all of the patterns and relationships within the data. Further work remains to be done with the random forest model to improve performance, but it is a promising start on the prediction problem. Additionally, the random forest can be used to perform experiments involving altering one or more variables and seeing the response in the context of historical data. Further models should be developed for the EDIFES project because relying on a single model is unwise, especially with the ease of implementing many varied models using the R statistical language or Python and the numerous open-source libraries devoted to machine learning.


The author would like to thank the following members of the EDIFES team for their willingness to explain all aspects of the project and for their tolerance of a significant number of questions: Professor Alexis Abramson, Professor Roger French, Rojiar Haddadian, Arash Khalilnejad, Jack Mousseau, and Ahmad Karimi. This project would not have been possible without their continuous support.


Following is a nearly complete list of works used over the course of this project. It is impossible to document all the websites, stack overflow questions, books, and individuals consulted for this project, but I acknowledge the help I received from each and every person contributing to this project.

1. A. Abramson, R. French, J. Mousseau, A. Khalilnejad, M. Hossain, R. Haddadian, E. Pickering, W. Koehrsen, S. Kamath and K. Nash, BuildingRClean R Package. Cleveland, OH: Case Western Reserve University, 2017. Available:

2. “About the Commercial Buildings Integration Program | Department of Energy”,, 2016. [Online]. Available:

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8. M. Hossain, “Development of Building Markers and an Unsupervised Non-Intrusive Disaggregation Model for Commercial Building Energy Usage”, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2017.

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Will Koehrsen

Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Cortex Sustainability Intelligence